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Why is Covid Still Affecting Our Supply chain?

It's not secret that many businesses have been hugely affected by Covid over the past 18 months and Crossed Swords company is no different. All of our PTI clothing is manufactured in Asia from the raw materials. We have a large scale supplier who specialises in fitness clothing. We have previously stated that we do not buy off the shelf T-shirts then print them with a PTI logo to then sell on. Everyone has probably noticed that supermarket shelves are occasionally a little bare or the order from your favourite online retailer is taking longer than usual even though you've got a monthly subscription for next day delivery. Our PTI clothing is no different and here's why...

Because all of our PTI clothing is made from raw materials overseas it normally takes around 4 weeks to arrive and then we distribute via our website or social media platforms. So why has Covid affected the production of PTI clothing?? Where our clothing is made they have very strict rules around Covid. This occasionally results in the factory being shut due to an outbreak or a member of staff having to isolate. If the factory closes then the production of our PTI clothing is halted. Once our clothing has been produced it then needs to find its way along the supply chain to our warehouse so we can then distribute it. This involves a lot of logistics, couriers, airports and customs. Along the way if a member of staff from one of the courier company's contracts covid or has to self isolate then this can then affect the time frame in which our PTI clothing arrives. the same with the airport staff and potentially the customs officers.

As you can see this could make a 4 week turnaround into potentially 8 weeks. Don't worry! If you have ordered some PTI clothing as a pre-order and it is taking a little longer than expected then this is why. We will always be working hard in the background to ensure we are producing the best PTI clothing on the market and getting it to you as soon as we can!

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