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Our Secret: Making the Best Products for You!

Moving on from our last blog post titled 'Why we Started Crossed Swords Company', where we gave a brief outline about how Crossed Swords Company was formed. We wanted to tell you a little more about our products and take an in depth look at what we are all about. Why we sell what we do, what we won't be selling and a bit about the secret to making the best PTI clothing and not just more PTI clothing.

Our Current Product Range

Our current range entails everything a PTI would ever need, from shorts to tracksuits. We started out just selling PTI T-shirts and soon expanded into shorts and then other items. We now stock a large range of all PTI clothing with new products being added all the time. Our first product, now known as the PTI Performance T-shirt was and still is a huge hit! It is by far out best selling item and we often sell out very quickly. So much so that we are constantly manufacturing these. The design is simple and effective, it fits perfectly and looks great. The T-shirt is form fitting in the right places! The arms are not baggy and the body is not too short. Things that we have found with other PTI clothing brands. There was a point when we decided that we would not be parting with our money for products that we needed but that we knew did not meet the quality requirements that we wanted. Our solution to this? Build our own brand! This is not an easy task, but nothing worth doing was ever easy, right? We do have a significant amount of experience in the clothing industry, having previously worked with a mainstream gymwear clothing brand. The transition to PTI clothing was a simple one. Our clothing is great quality because that's exactly what our customers deserve. After finding we could manufacture awesome quality clothing to meet the customers expectations. Our next hurdle was to price it correctly, we wanted it to be affordable. Usually high quality means high price, this isn't the route we wanted to take though. We decided right there and then that our take wasn't going to be about getting the highest profit. We would take a cut in profits to provide the best Physical Training Instructor Clothing on the market at the best price.

What's Next?

We've recently released for pre order a Diver Jacket. The Crossed Swords Company Diver Jacket is unique. What makes it stand out from any other divers jacket on the market is a few things. It has tailored seems in the sleeves as standard, we don't believe in charging extra for something that should be the norm! It also has zip pockets on the sides, something that no other divers jacket on the market has, again this is included in the price. You'll never need to worry about not having a secure pocket to put your wallet or phone in again. They are made out of a breathable and comfortable material, we believe this is very important for when you are taking lessons in varying conditions or taking care of your daily business. Form fitting and you can move in them! No more needs to be said about that one, your job requires you to move and PTIs love to look good whilst they are doing it. We can provide all of this because we manufacture our jackets ourselves, like all of our products we do not buy in pre made clothing wholesale then embroider or print it. This is why all of the PTI Clothing at Crossed Swords Company is unique.

What Won't we be Selling?

At Crossed Swords Company we are very mindful about the PTI clothing that we sell. We think long and hard about each and every product. How can it be the best quality? What should the fit be like? What material should we use? How should the embroidery look? When something has been manufactured, prior to release, we test it. Is it fit for purpose? What should we charge? Would be be happy to buy it and wear it? All of these questions need to be answered before we will consider selling a product.

This leads us onto the things that we won't be selling. To answer this it is quite simple, if it's issued why would we sell it? That's a no brainer right?! This is why we don't plan to sell PTI vests or red belts. The Military issues these items, so for us to sell them to our customers knowing fine well they can get them for free. Simply put, doesn't sit well. The customer is our priority, that's you! The person reading this blog post, yes you! The young PTI or aspiring PTI, the RAPTCI running a gym, the guy or girl that's out taking tabs and setting up circuits each day. You. So with you as our main priority we ask ourselves "What can we sell that gives our customers the best experience possible". That's also simple to answer, exactly what they deserve and what should have always been available. Only the best PTI clothing, form fitting, good quality, unique products that won't let you down and are Built For Performance!

So make sure you checkout the products in our shop! Don't forget to subscribe to our blog for the latest news and offers. Hit the like button and check us out on Facebook and Instagram.


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